Wednesday, January 7, 2009


In the newspaper business, a "Standalone" is a photo usually placed in the center of the page, above the fold, to attract attention. It doesn't have anything to do with any story, it's just there to be "art," and look nice. A Cutline is underneith telling the viewser what's going on.

As it turns out, it's way more fun to take a picture, and gathering cutline information, then to write a story on deadline. To find a bunch of sources, and verify the language, make sure you're in AP style, and make every word count. I can still do this, and I will, but I'd rather have three photo assignments than one writing assignment.

I've learned this while interning at the community news at the Flint Journal. I love being the one with the camera. I like the name badge, I think it fulfills my urge to be in the FBI. I like working with equipment, and having a relationship with it.

So this blog is about photography, more specifically photojournalism, and even more specifically, standalone photos and the info underneath. It's dry, but it's what I do, folks.

I plan to include a photo, write a cutline (caption), and then critique my own work, and give a little back story. Exciting? No? Well I don't have to entertain you people!

I spend most of my time talking about either my band or my photography. Maybe this will ease the listening burden on friends and family. Probably not.

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